We are ISO 9001 - 2015 certified for Quality Management System & ISO 45001 - 2018 for Occupational Health and Safety Management System
Our Customers will save minimum 20% in AMC charges when compared to OEMs.
We provide emergency service 24 X 7 on all days throughout the year.
We are enlisted as approved Lift installation & Maintenance service provider with Lift inspectorate as per Lift Act.
Report on details of Call backs and remedial actions taken will be submitted once in 6 months.
From our feedback through WhatsApp, Customer can verify number of monthly Preventive maintenances carried out and number of call backs as on date.
All our engineers are well qualified and adequately experienced in maintenance of all makes & models of Lifts. The refresher training programmes are regularly
We have genuine spare parts sourced by imports, mobilised through modernisation and indigenously developed equivalent for all the types of Lifts.
The Service routes are divided into Zones from where the sites covered under such zone are reachable within 20 Mins. ride.
All the critical spares are stored in every Zone which are reachable within 20 Mins. ride from any worksite.
Customer can verify any check point in our standard checklist before signing the service report.
The Zones are segregated in such a way that our engineers can respond to any call back within the maximum of 1 hour.
The Safety certificate shall be issued by our Safety officer once in a year after through safety inspection.
From our feedback through WhatsApp, Customer can check details of spares replaced / repaired as on date.
We submit complete survey report on individual lift within 10 days from the date of AMC.
We suggest AMC for longer period so that yearly increase can be finalised at the beginning. Our yearly increase shall be very reasonable.
In case of housing complex which has more than 6 Lifts, we can conduct any social welfare programme such as tree plantation etc., once in a year.
For every visit either for Preventive maintenance or for any Call backs, our engineers will issue a service report and this will be signed by Customer with their remarks if any.
We provide liaison services to obtain License for working of the lift as per the Lift Act.
Our Engineers use sanitisers to clean Car & Landing Push buttons, Handrails and Interiors. Specific Safety instructions are issued from time to time in English and local language.
Our Engineers use all the standard PPEs as per the process. In addition, they will also use specific PPEs such as face mask, gloves etc., to avoid getting / spreading of infections.
In case of housing complex which has more than 6 Lifts, once in a year we can conduct any celebration in the society (as per their choice). This will include Safety awareness programme among lift users, particularly among young generation.
We provide training to users for safe usage of Lifts. Also provide training to persons authorised by Customer for rescue of persons stuck inside lift in extreme situations.
We provide proposal for upgradation of Lifts whenever required. This will be in phased manner so that there is no huge financial burden at any single point of time.
In case of housing complex which has more than 6 Lifts, our engineer will visit on daily basis.
+91 99628 35939 / 93603 91665
Mail Id : customercare@orono.in
Website : www.orono.in